NCERT Health and Physical Education Book Class 9

Health and Physical Education
NCERT Health and Physical Education is part of Social Science book. In this Books There are Fourteen Chapters. In this Book, their is about The Health and Diseases, Growing up with Confidence, Physical Education, Sports Training and many other chaapters that Helps the student to be fit and Helathy. This all chapters can make students desciplined and smart. Books Guru Gyan provding you the Pdf of Each Chpater. To Download the Book Chapter-Wise CLick on the Given Link Below.

Chapter Chapter Name View
1 Health and Diseases
2 Growing up with Confidence
3 Physical Education
4 Physical Fitness
5 Sports Training
6 Individual Sports
7 Team Games
8 Ethics in Sports
9 Personality Development through Yoga
10 Waste Management
11 Diet for Healthy Living
12 First Aid and Safety
13 Social Health
14 Adolescent Friendly Health Services



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