NCERT Rimjhim (Hindi) Book Class 2

NCERT Class 2 Hindi textbook consists of a total of 15 chapters. While preparing for the exam students should refer to the NCERT Hindi textbook because the final question paper will be prepared according to it. Having a thorough knowledge of all the chapters will make the students feel more confident to score good marks in the Hindi exam. In the table provided below, we have attached chapter-wise PDF format of the Hindi textbook. The NCERT textbook of Hindi PDF for Class 2 is a great source of knowledge gaining study material for the students.
Chapter | Chapter Name | View |
Prelims | ||
1 | ऊँट चला | |
2 | भालू ने खेली फुटबॉल | |
3 | म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ !! | |
4 | अधिक बलवान कौन? | |
5 | दोस्त की मदद | |
6 | बहुत हुआ | |
7 | मेरी किताब | |
8 | तितली और कली | |
9 | बुलबुल | |
10 | मीठी सारंगी | |
11 | टेसू राजा बीच बाज़ार | |
12 | बस के नीचे बाघ | |
13 | सूरज जल्दी आना जी | |
14 | नटखट चूहा | |
15 | एक्की - दोक्की | |
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